Celebrating 12 years of
Loving Students... Changing Lives
The Problem
In Jamaica, poverty and lack of resources prevent students from reaching their full potential. Government funding for public education does not cover the basic needs of each student, leaving underserved students in poor and rural areas suffering from unequal access to quality education. With low education levels and high unemployment, parents cannot provide for their children’s educational needs.
The Solution
Lynne Mitchell Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that offers educational scholarships to help change the future of underserved children in Jamaica in significant ways, allowingthem to realize their dreams and become the next generation of leaders that will make their communities better places to live.
What We Do
We are a group of Love Activists – passionate volunteers who share our talents, time, and resources to help others less fortunate than ourselves. It is our mission to show love to underserved children in Jamaica and make a positive difference in their lives.
How We Do It
Providing educational resources, including academic scholarships that help combat the results of widespread poverty, high unemployment, and low government funding of the public schools in underserved Jamaican communities. To do this, we rely on the generosity of private citizens, business leaders, and charitable benefactors to support our mission of Loving Children . . . Changing Lives.
Through our scholarship program, we ensure that students who are excelling in their studies have the financial means to attend high school, college, or obtain a post-graduate degree.
Along with our group of volunteers and supporters, we are making a difference.
Will you join us?